Contributor Summit North America 2021

The North America Summit will be an informal event taking place on October 11th in Los Angeles, California alongside KubeCon at the JW Marriott LA Live.
We are downsizing the event due to low registration numbers so we can focus on the virtual contributor celebration later in 2021. However, we will still have a space to hang out, catch up, and meet new contributors. See the location section for details.
Are you interested in bowling, billiards or just hanging out with your fellow contributors? We will be holding an evening social event at Lucky Strike, a short walk away from the Marriott after the summit. If you intend to swing by, please RSVP as soon as possible.
This page will be updated with more information as it develops. If you have questions or comments, please reach out to the Summit Staff by emailing or asking in the #contributor-summit slack channel.
Code of Conduct
Attendees agree to abide by Kubernetes Code of Conduct. More information on how to report an event will be posted in the future.
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